Infographic: What Will The Future Of Virtual Reality Look Like?

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Hyped in the media and entertainment industry, virtual reality does not fail to significantly impact other industries as well. Here's what the future holds in store for this technology:

On a basic level, Virtual Reality (VR) is an innovation that impacts media outlets, however, this technology can be applied in many more industries. Healthcare, retail, or entertainment are just a few of the other territories VR influences.

It Changes How We See The World

Virtual reality will essentially have the capacity to take you places you have never gone before. By utilizing virtual reality, you will have the capacity to see new places as though you were going to them. Unsurprisingly, the entertainment and media industries are two of the biggest advocates of virtual reality, elevating it to become the next big thing. As virtual reality creates an artificial environment that is displayed in a way a user accepts it as a real environment, consumers can experiences adventures previously out of reach.

The Market Potential For Virtual Reality Could Be Colossal

In 2016, the global virtual reality market size was valued at $960 million, however, in the gaming industry alone is predicted to reach a revenue of nearly $1,700 million due to virtual reality.

Along these lines, we take a closer look at the future of the virtual reality in our infographic:


 Infographic via Fullestop



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