9 Ways How To Really Learn Effectively

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Learning and growth usually require a combination of all the different aspects and attributes that comprise an individual, sometimes employed simultaneously, and sometimes in opposition to each other.

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#1 Do

Doing things is ineluctable, as it automatically incorporates the necessary experience to learn from failure: what works, and what does not. What must one change?

#2 Look Inside Yourself

Searching inside oneself has a twofold function: What in my previous experience has prepared me to understand and make sense of what is before me? And: do I have what this challenge takes?

#3 Interact

Other people are crucial to bounce ideas off of. Reactions will always differ based on who they themselves are, but one gets the best overall sense from the trends emerging from larger samples of reaction.

#4 Open Your Eyes

Seeing something, particularly an end product, is often the end result of someone else’s conceptualization become reality. It’s a necessary stimulus for inspiration that encourages one to also bring ideas to fruition.

#5 Read

Reading requires a different element of the mind’s engagement, for here it will encounter endlessly contradictory information. The more the better, as the mind trains itself to sort the wheat from the chaff.

#6 Be Reasonable

Reasoning: the most engaging of human activity, as it’s where conceptualization arises from the information ingested, feeding the mind’s own spontaneity. Reasoning is the temple of the mind’s freedom.

#7 Face Your Challenges

Facing challenges and overcoming them is the factory of human character. A challenge unresolved can become a lifetime’s sorrow. A challenge overcome is preparation for greater, more glorious challenges.

#8 And Your Fears

Fear can be stultifying, but also a powerful motivator. As U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, we have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Overcoming fear of something means overcoming the fear, not the something.

#9 Experiment

Experimentation is the resource of natural human playfulness. The question “What if…?” has led to the greatest inventions in the world. Together with reasoning, it is also the strongest component of freedom.



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