The 7 Post-Event Survey Questions That Will Reveal Your Meeting’s Effectiveness

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Just finished up a major event or meeting? Then it's time to get your post-event survey out! Here are 7 questions your questionnaire shouldn't miss!

So, your event is almost finished. The speakers have spoken, people have mingled, everything, hopefully, went according to plan. What should you do next? If you want to figure out what people think of your event, how they feel after it and whether they will be interested in attending your future events, you have to conduct a good and effective survey. It’s all about the effectiveness of your event. That’s why you need to get that out of them. You can do that with good questions only. Take a look below.

#1 What is your level of satisfaction for this event?

This is a general question that you should ask your attendees. It is pretty straightforward and it’s a good starting point for your next questions. Your survey should start with this question. You want to know whether your attendees liked what you made for them. Since it’s a general question, you will get the big picture idea of how the event went in general. You can make it open-ended or you can simply put a scale.

#2 What elements did you like the most/dislike the most?

Again, this is quite a simple open-ended question. Actually, these are two questions that will provide you with valuable answers. You will know what you’ll want to repeat for future events. On the other hand, you will also know what you shouldn’t do. Do not repeat the same mistakes. Make a list of things that people liked and rank them. Also, make a list of things that people disliked. Do not make a survey that forces respondents to leave a sugar-coated review. You’re not doing yourself a favor.

#3 What was the reason behind your visit?

Ask a question that requires your attendees to tell you why they came. What did they expect to get from the experience? With this question, you will be able to make schedule adjustments and other tweaks that emphasize the most coveted aspects of their experience. It’s quite simple, people will come again if you give them what they want. If you don’t, you can say goodbye to your attendee figures. This should be a part of every decent post-event survey. It’s as simple as that.

#4 What was the highlight?

Again, this is an open-ended question and it’s quite useful. It’s really handy when you host multi-day events. The thing they found most enjoyable needs to be there again, next time. Moreover, you need to address concerns and negative feedback personally. For example, if you hand out surveys during the first day of your event, address the negative stuff and rectify it as soon as possible. If you have negative elements after the end, you have to make sure that it doesn’t happen again next time.

#5 Did you like the organization of the event?

You have to make several surveys. One of them needs to be handed out to volunteers/employees. People who organized your event also have to speak their mind. Therefore, ask them to rate the organization of the event. Ask them whether they would recommend this event as a positive volunteer opportunity to their networks.

#6 Will you come again?

You should try to figure out how enthusiastic the participants really feel about your event. Then when you take those numbers, save them and later compare them to the actual number of attendees who come back next time. That is how you really see whether you are doing it right or not. Some people think that it is impolite to tell you the truth if they didn’t like the event. That’s why you need to compare the figures.

#7 Will you recommend us to a friend?

This is an NPS type of question. Just ask them whether they would recommend your events to their friends. Will they maybe bring some of them over? Inquire about referrals. This is another good way to measure event success. It’s not all about whether they enjoyed the event themselves, it’s also about whether or not they would subject a buddy to it. When you receive positive responses to this question, send back referral links and special offers.


Some of these paragraphs have real questions and some of them are just types. You need to figure out what type of questions you need and then narrow down the actual questions. They have to be straight-forward but you can never sugar-coat them. The surveys need to tell you what you should improve. If you can, you should implement referral links and thus work on bringing the number of attendees up for your next event. All in all, surveys are only effective if you manage to ask good questions. Get the right questions but also get the right answers. Only then will you find out what are your strong and weak points.



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