5 Reasons To Choose Virtual Reality In Your Marketing Strategy In 2019

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Story-living, high sensory impact, strong emotional experiences. Virtual reality is the new digital marketing juggernaut. Here are 5 reasons to choose VR in your marketing strategy in 2019.

An effective entrepreneur acknowledges the marketplace’s dance and adapts to its moves. In 2019, the virtual reality (VR) industry is expected to grow significantly. To back my statements, I’ll list a few important statistics that should speak for themselves. If you wish to check the full infographic, here it is.

  • By 2020, the VR industry would count for $30 billion revenue
  • Facebook, Google, Samsung, Sony, and HTC are some of the big players involved in VR
  • In 2015, there were 6,7 million VR users. In 2018, over 171 million users use VR every day.
  • 81% of people would share a capturing VR experience with their friends
  • 73% of the Z generation (Gen Z, born after 2000) show great interest in VR.
  • 66% of retail consumers desire VR shopping experiences.
  • 75% of students prefer to learn from a VR app rather than from traditional textbooks, according to Essays on Time

Everything looks fine and well, but when it comes to making business decisions and important implementations, you’ll need very good justifications for your actions.

In today’s post, I’ll cover the 5 reasons to choose VR in your marketing strategy in 2019. Let’s get started.

#1 The Sensory Impact Is Amazingly Strong

When you’re in a virtual environment, your body and mind are tricked into believing that you’re actually living the real experience. This is basically the “magic” of virtual reality, and it’s called “presence”.

For a VR user, the five-world senses are tricked, so their awareness is also heavily affected. With a skillful approach, marketers can carefully display the brand and make it a part of the users’ awareness.

After an immersive VR experience, you’re feeling like you have experienced something, and that experience becomes a memory. Another important fact for which VR is great for.

#2 VR’s Story-Living Experiences Are The Next Level Of Storytelling

If storytelling is an outstanding marketing strategy, story-living is the next level of it. When a user experiences a virtual realm, they are living the story instead of looking at it. Unlike the experience of watching movies, VR’s nature allows you to control your faith and make your own decisions.

This will enhance the emotions of the users, making them prone to associating their positive experiences with your brand’s identity.

#3 Strong Emotional Experiences

A strong emotion that is linked to a brand will always be effective. Coca-Cola, for example, understands this very well. Their emotional holiday ads are incredibly effective, as they make people associate the Coca-Cola brand with family, Christmas, and happiness.

VR is the new marketing emotional rollercoaster. Every feeling you spark will give you a shot at “winning” a customer’s heart forever.

#4 VR Offers Flexibility

VR is a very flexible industry. You can develop and promote different applications and different solutions, according to your business needs and to your target audience’s preferences.

For example, you can watch 360 degrees videos on Facebook and YouTube, you can play highly interactive games, you can connect to other people from around the world and talk, walk, and see each other, and basically, the opportunities are limitless.

#5 Better Media Coverage

Who wants to cover a traditional marketing campaign right now? Nobody. Who is interested in VR right now? Almost everybody.

Successful companies leverage VR trends to gain media coverage. This improves their brand’s awareness and reputation and leads to improved performances.

Volvo has released their new XC90 SUV and allowed people to experience a virtual ride using Google Cardboard. This allowed prospects to get a full glimpse over the “Volvo experience”. The campaign led to over 240 million PR impressions, 24 news stories, 19 million social impressions, over 6 million views on YouTube, and over 500.000 unique website visitors.


Whether you like it or not, the marketplace is always changing. Nowadays, it’s changing very rapidly, leaving many entrepreneurs, managers, and companies behind.

If the VR trend is reaching a peak in 2019 and you have already developed a plan to introduce VR into your marketing strategy, you’ll probably gain a huge competitive advantage and seize important opportunities.



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