StartUs Presents: StoreMe

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StoreMe, an Austrian startup providing you with storage space for all your treasured goods launched Jan. 15th. Ferdi Dietrich tells us what they have in mind for 2016 and why you should keep an eye on them!

Describe StoreMe in 50 words or less.

StoreMe is a storage platform mediating the sharing of storage spaces. Underused storage facilities like basements, garages and others can be advertised and tendered for free on the platform. Individuals looking for more space can find it in their close proximity through StoreMe.

Why did you decide to pursue your own dreams rather than someone else’s?

We want to work hard on our business idea StoreMe in a flexible environment with highly motivated people. Also we will create and develop something of our own, which will be established on the market. After generating the idea, we were looking for the perfect team formation. The demand was to get most of the necessary skills covered by one key team player. One further reason to become a founder, was to be involved directly in the decision making process.

7 years from now: How did your startup change the world?

Being the number one storage platform in the DACH region and build up a huge sharing-community is our goal. We want to solve problems in the urbanizing process, especially in the cities the need for rental- and storage space is increasing rapidly. To get enough space for your personal needs is getting harder and more expensive. StoreMe will help people to get storage in their “Grätzel” (area), as we call it in Austria, for fair fees and also they can connect with other people in the hood and build up new friendships , if they want.

Describe your typical working day from coming to the office to leaving it.

Beginning at 8am: checking mails, first club mate. The whole day working on the idea, having some meetings or calls with potential customers, partners, etc. Some further Club Mate after that ;-). Lunchbreak around about 1pm, grab some snacks at the supermarket or cook in our shared kitchen. Continue working on the fixed tasks until 2pm for our daily stand up to discuss our tasks in the group. End of office day is around about 7pm afterwards maybe be a part of some startup or network events.

In what ways do you measure your success and how do you make sure you don’t lose track?

In the first step, we will develop the platform to solve problems and we will help people to find storage space they need. One of our key factores is to assemble a community, to connect people. In the longterm we will establish a working enterprise. Furthermore we want to expand to Germany and Switzerland. Our “cooking recipe” for success is the best team, motivation, hard work and also a bit of luck.

Already pivoted? Did customers use the service like you imagined it in the beginning?

More than one time 🙂 We pivoted a lot. We build up a MVP (minimal viable product). In this phase we discussed the first time with our customers, in “real”. That helps us a lot. The customer surveys before were nice, but not as significant as we thought. We were also a member at the mentoring program of Google in Berlin. That was really instructive and we pivoted several times each day. Stressful, but necessary.

With ferocious competition and a booming trend to build new companies: How do you make sure you don’t get lost in the shuffle?

First of all we’ve launched StoreMe on 15th January 2016. We will start in Austria and will expand to Germany and Switzerland in 2016. Our strategy is to grow by content. We want to be the storage platform number one. Therefore we settled up special storage, which we will also launch in January. A straight marketing concept will be necessary to persist on the market. Furhtermore we build up cooperations with partners, clubs, and associations to have a broader market position.

What do you look for in team members?

You should be a highly motivated person, with strong social skills and entrepreneurial thinking. The professional skills should be available, but more important is the learning ability. Especially the technology part is changing so fast. You have to learn every day. And also important, be able to take criticism.

Why would a talent join your team?

You will be part of a creative team. If you are looking for responsibility, hands on mentality and fun? It’s your job! If you have the mind set to work in a small team, word hard (not nine to five), earn a low salary?
You are welcome! You can maybe live your dreams and be on the way to become a succesful entrepreneur.

What was your most memorable moment so far?

On July 7th 2015, our founding day at the Handelsgericht Vienna. From that time on, we were officially a company. Paid our first taxes as entrepreneur…Just kidding. But there were a lot of other memorable days. Startup life is like a rollercoaster. Every day is different. One day is horrible. Nothing works, but probably the next day, is an amazing one. But you will learn to handle this learning curves and you will get more professional from day to day.

What advice would you give fellow founders for their startup?

Try, fail and continue. Try to plan your work, also if the plan doesn’t hold. Update the plan. Try things out. If you fail, try it in another way. Be part of a mentoring service from different associations and learn from other startups or entrepreneurs. You should think about intalling an advisory board (like two or three people of different business areas) for your startup. But be careful and take just people you trust and can help your venture.

StartUs Presents: StoreMe


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