Software Development Startup Brainbean Apps Believes Ukraine Can Lifts Europe’s Startup Ecosystem

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Ukraine has often been described as a hotbed for innovation and talent. Alexey Pelykh, CEO of the software development startup Brainbean Apps shares details:

How would you describe Brainbean Apps in a few words?

We’re software developers focused on creating mobile apps for Internet of Things (IoT) products, wearables, and other connected devices. Apart from mobile app development, the Brainbean Apps team also has experts ready to help with UX/UI research and design, product strategy, and quality assurance.

What inspired you to create the company? How did it all start?

Soon, we’ll be surrounded by an infrastructure of numerous devices integrated into our cars, lights, locks, doorbells, parking meters, and other things in our lives we interact with every day. But the current solutions remain too frustrating and complicated when it comes to user interaction. We believe we can make life simpler by creating the perfect experiences delivered through IoT and mobile devices.

Building such a fascinating future requires an extremely motivated and determined team. That’s how Brainbean Apps was founded three years ago. Today, we’re a close team of like-minded experts creating fascinating mobile experiences to simplify and brighten everyday life.

Startup Brainbean Apps Believes Ukraine Lifts Europe's Startup Scene

Brainbean Apps’ team

In the development sector, the competition is fierce. What makes Brainbean Apps stand out of the crowd? What is the key differentiator?

Firstly, we’re experts in IoT, home automation, and wearables. We share our technical expertise and practical experience from previous products to help our partners build the products that will be liked by users.

Secondly, we’re a full-stack company, which means we have all kinds of specialists to build a software product from A to Z. We’ll ensure a proper backend for the partner’s solution, deliver a website and make sure everything works just as expected thanks to our QA specialists.

Lastly, we’re passionate about what we do and focused on improving and bringing mobile experiences to their perfect states. The simplest solution to manage lights at home and save money on utility bills. The easiest way to share life moments and keep up with friends and relatives. The smartest watch app to help remain productive throughout the day. We believe: when something works just right, it also does something more: it fascinates people.

When developing solutions for your clients, which industries do you focus on and what is most important in the process?

We focus on building solutions for Internet of Things, home automation, wearables, smart TVs, and mobile applications aimed to help people socialize and interact with each other.

Our development process is not limited to development services only. We also perform UX research to help the product stand out, create product strategies to help forecast ROI and profit, and, in the end, provide comprehensive support to sustain business growth.

What is the biggest challenge that the company has faced?

Every product we work on is a solution based on hundreds of small — technical, design, management — decisions we make every day. Ensuring that the final result will perfectly meet our partner’s expectations and at the same time will please end users is our biggest challenge in each project – daily. So, every day we make lots of small decisions, generate new ideas and solve problems to create something perfect as a result of all our efforts. That’s our challenge – the everyday process of creation.

The Internet of Things has not reached its peak yet but is entering people’s lives one by one. In five years, what do you think will have changed? What can we expect?

A few years ago various analysts predicted a huge rise of connected devices. Nowadays it turns out these forecasts were a bit too optimistic. While there are some technical reasons that might explain that, like a low level of security, lack of widespread standards and interoperability, there’s also one reason that we believe is crucial. Current smart devices are too complicated and confusing to use. And that’s what we’re trying to fix.

So in five years, the Internet of Things, and smart home devices, in particular, will be much more widespread, but only if manufacturers and developers work hard to ensure their solutions solve real-world problems and provide superior customer experience.

What is the most memorable moment throughout the history of Brainbean Apps?

We’re a small team of enthusiasts working on fascinating products, so our most memorable moments are related to the releases of the applications we’ve been working on and positive feedback we’ve been hearing from our clients.

Oh, and we also have a hubble-bubble in our office, which is a powerful source of very memorable moments for our team mates every Friday evening.

If there is one thing you could wish for in improving the European startup ecosystem – what would it be?

The latest report by Startup Genome reveals that the US loses its dominance for startups to Europe. We believe the reason Europe’s pulling off so intensely is governmental support. There’s a lot of long-term EU programs aimed to unleash the entrepreneurial potential and it looks like they’re working.

But the key factor that doesn’t let European startups move faster is a lack of talent. And this is where Ukraine should come into play. A venture partner at 500 Startups, Enis Hulli, believes Ukraine may become the next startup nation thanks to our talent pool. So, in our opinion, any initiatives aimed at helping Ukrainian startups emerge and grow will also help the European startup ecosystem develop further.

What’s one piece of advice you can give to fellow founders for their startup?

The team and the people in it are the most valuable resource in any business – choose carefully and build on this strong asset.



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