JA startups: “Never Go Down Without Fighting.”

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Javeed Aanver, founder & Creative Director of JA startups, explains his creative process, how he will change the world and why you should keep fighting.

Describe JA startups in 50 words or less.

JA startups is a new startups company, that is foraying into internet landscape with two purely global tech startups product ventures; visualvoiceworld.com & travelhostmates.com. Officially it’s being registered soon either in Estonia or Delaware, USA.

Why did you decide to pursue your own dreams rather than someone else’s?

I want the internet space to be owned & reached by each and every individual in this world. As such I want to carve out global internet startups projects which are commercial money making products as well as niche products which aid and benefit the global community & which is socially relevant across the world.

The vision is to create products which people as consumers need to ease their everyday lives. As a creator I want to develop a space, a yearning, a desire for some particular product in the eyes, mind, sight and lives of the people whom I’m catering to.

7 years from now: How did your startup change the world?

Both of my products with which I’m starting now, do have immense global visibility and need in todays times. In fact one of my products will in time totally revolutionize how we travel today – globally, across the world. I can go on to say my product could become the next big thing in the cyber space. In fact, I call it ‘the mothership to fulfill all the travel needs of people who love travelling’.

In what ways do you measure your success and how do you make sure you don’t lose track?

I’ve created & conceptualized my products in a way, in which I as a customer, would want to have such and such things to make life easier. In that honest assessment of my needs these two products have evolved.

I don’t say what I’m creating or what I’ve created is the only product or concept created in this world, what I stress saying with sincerity is that my my product can withstand all other competitive products presently in the same domain or which can come in future as rival to mine. Why? Because I’ve a heart & mind which is always alive, kicking & fertile – ever keeping evolving and up my game.

Describe your typical working day from coming to the office to leaving it.

No fixed hours of working, being a creative person. I mostly work anytime day or night or early mornings, as and when something interesting crosses my mind I write it down immediately, then go about carving it into shape. So you can say I always work 24/7 & most of the time I work from home. I work from home almost 17-18 hours a day or in between not hitting my laptop for 2-3 days at a stretch.

One can fairly say I eat, sleep, drink creativity, constantly carving, trashing, fine-tuning ideas, concepts then bouncing out to my colleagues & brain-storming with them.

Already pivoted? Did customers use the products like you imagined it in the beginning?

My first product (visualvoiceworld) is in the development stage, probably going live in mid April 2016. The next big thing on the internet domain world is going to be a game-changer in cyberspace. Will disclose soon – look out for more!

Being a concept developer and ideas man, I have my own way of doing SWOT analysis, R & D. I throw off my ideas to a selected group of people from myriad backgrounds to check & receive feedback on concepts and ideas created, then evaluate them minutely, if they like it I go ahead and polish them. That’s how I’ve created both my products.

Traction is the name of the game, I try to get it before actually creating; hopefully, mid April onwards, that when my first product goes live on the internet – I will have that to bank on…. successfully.

Bootstrapped or financed: What fuels your startup now and what will in the future?

Presently, I’m bootstrapped working with freelancers – functioning with self funding. Once my product goes live I’ll hit the road to get Angels or VCs for funding – seedfunding to takeoff to the main next stage across the world.

What would you tell Angels & VCs looking for a startup to invest in?

If you want to have a piece of the cake in the next most dynamic game changer in the internet world, logon to my product’s vision and you will have a smooth sailing for the next 6-7 years.

What were the biggest challenges you faced building your startup?

The most formidable challenge has been fighting with my own self demons – asking, pondering, contempleting whether my products will succeed in the wide world of the internet space. Then simple logic did get strike and I got the mantra how  I should get it rolling. I had to think as a user or customer to know what is good and what is needed, desired & yearned. Then I went about creating and designing my concepts.

The other challenge was/is getting a development team of my own, without financial resources or angel backing. Ultimately I got over it by getting freelancers through the internet to get the work done.

With ferocious competition and a booming trend to build new companies: How do you make sure you don’t get lost in the shuffle?

My main focus area will always be creating products for a global audience, and feeling the pulse of what is required for a generation of people. I will never limit my creations to one country specific – the world is mine and its people are my most compassionate supporters. There always will be an idea, a concept, a requirement, a need or a vaccum needed to fill for any group of people and I will never lack a fight to service that nothingness or vaccum or that innate need of people striving to have something of interest to them or a necessity.

Ever Evolving is the name of the game – and that really is the same arena where the mightiest of the mightiest fight it out.

What do you look for in team members?

I always look out for the creative and vibrancy of their thought process to go about things coupled with the most important aspect of their innate personality – honesty and integrity. Selfishness is one quality which grooms all disasters & corrupt individuals.

And it’s my belief most of the creative people in this world are a special breed there is no greed or selfishness in them – it’s only the content of the mind in these people which is purely gold, which never gives them the greed to grab, gobble or loot the external material wealth of others. So highly creative people are who I want to gather around me.

Why would a talent join your team?

Because of the vibrancy of thought and dynamic vision to make substantial progress in terms of creating useful and invaluable products for mankind’s good, will give others like me a platform to realize their common dream to achieve that vision and goal.

What was your most memorable moment so far?

Yet to come, probably, seeing my first product go live in April 2016.

What advice would you give fellow founders for their startup?

Never go down without fighting, if your vision is strong and you are on solid grounds stay put – things & times will change. Don’t lose hope before you are a dead duck!



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