How To Create A Sustainable Culture For Your Startup

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Creating a sustainable culture is crucial if you want to set up a running company in the long run. Also founders are required to come up with a straight strategy and strong leadership skills to make it work. Check out these tips on how to do it!

When small companies and startups are growing, the administrative procedures and processes are about to change. The hierarchy inevitably grows and the creating of a sustainable culture is something that should not happen by chance.

For a good culture within the company a straight strategy and strong leadership by the senior management (the founder) is required. But founders are mostly not fit in these special soft skills. Various trainings in this area can help them though. We take a look at one of the latest courses for you.

Studies show that the attitude of people on the subject of work is beginning to change, and thus the claims that are made on the employer. More and more businesses are realizing how important it is to use internal programs for the recruitment and retention of employees. Exemplify a trend, the young, dynamic companies such as Google and coming from America to Europe, called “Feel-Good management”. The feeling of appreciation and the impression that those employers endeavor is essential for employees, sometimes even more important than the salary. Many companies have recognized this and want to offer their employees something that makes them much more attractive than the competitors and to keep those who run the company. This needs much more than „toys” everywhere, chill out areas with cozy armchairs and a fitness studio in the office!

The job description for the expert of corporate culture is very diverse and varied. Your task is to bring the goals of corporate management in harmony with the corporate culture and to promote a positive corporate culture, so that the mission statement is actually lived. They see themselves as „promoters of culture” in the company and they´re implementing recruiting and onboarding processes for new employees and take care of colleagues who come from abroad. You are considering measures to improve the communication channels and processes in the company, and are also responsible for internal communications. You organize joint activities and keep an eye at people being comfortable and healthy at their workplace. Regard yourself as the contact person for problems of the employees and take a stand for a positive and open working atmosphere.

New training at BFI Vienna contains:

  • Corporate and team culture and its influence on the performance of employees
  • Onboarding process, employee loyalty
  • Modern communications (to understand and to be understood)
  • Strategies for effective communication processes
  • Advisory tools, dealing with conflicts
  • Instruments of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Preparing and dealing with change: Change and project management
  • Event management, creative ideas
  • Feel-Good management for employees
  • Internal Public Relations (stakeholder communication, crisis communication, Metrics and evaluation of communication activities)
  • Workplace design, Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Open information evening:
On October/15/2014, Friday. From 18:00 – 19:35.
Location: BFI Catamaran / Handelskai 348, 1020 Vienna, Johann Böhm-Platz 1 / B / 5th floor

The course will be held from November/17/2014 to May/20/2015 every Monday and Wednesday from 18:00 – 21:15.

More information and registration here.



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