
Vienna’s Startup Scene Introduces Itself: “Gründen in Wien” 2016

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On October 7th, the Vienna Business Agency invites all startup enthusiasts to join them for pitching, sessions, workshops & expert talks to find out more about Austria’s capital as a city to found in:

You’re thinking about founding your startup in Austria but are not quite sure where to start? Then you’ve found the right initiative! “Gründen in Wien” or “Founding in Vienna” is an event hosted by the Vienna Business Agency to not only support the local startup scene and give them an opportunity to present themselves but also to introduce the Viennese startup environment to everyone interested.

120 Enterprises, 80 Events, 40 Locations

“Gründen in Wien” 2016 - die Wirtschaftsagentur lädt zum Aktionstag der Start-up SzeneFor this event Vienna Business Agency collaborated with universities, co-working spaces and founders – the program that sums up to 14 hours in total was composed by these partners, who built their events around the local scene, ensuring you’ll see how the Viennese startup scene works from inside.

October 7th will be a day full of workshops, open houses, expert advice, and pitching sessions – perfect to get to know the community, see what drives it and where it is going! The goal of the largest event for Vienna based startups is to show how business ideas can be turned into reality with lots of courage, brainpower and enthusiasm.

“Founding in Vienna”: Gateway To Vienna’s Startup Scene

For foreigners coming to Austria to build their companies it is especially worthwhile to learn more about what a working day in one of the many co-working spaces looks like, what steps are needed to make a startup successful and what services and support Vienna offers to those willing to found.

As you can see, the event is not only about giving pre-existing startups a chance to present themselves but really to encourage you find out more about founding and processes that go along with it. i2b for example will hold a workshop on how business plans contribute to success while experts will give insights into vision & strategy in another location.

Job-Fair & Uni-Roadshow As Newcomers

Uni-Roadshow, a pre-event to the main one, will take place from October 3rd to 6th at four universities: Technical University, Economical University, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and the University of Vienna. Startups get the chance to pitch in front of an audience who will directly vote for their favorites, allowing them to enter the finale of “Pitch for Talent” which will take place on October 7th at Neu Marx, located in Vienna’s third district. Here’s the schedule of the pitches that will be held.

(c) Philipp LipiarskiNeu Marx will also host the second newcomer this year, the Job-Fair. 30 local startups will present themselves and inform participants about current job offers and working with them. If you’re interested just bring your CV and get the chance of a first interview on site.

To top the day off the finale of the video competition “200 Seconds Vienna – Pitch the City” (submission is open until September 25th) will take the stage before it’s time for the after party starting at 9pm.

Download the whole program for free here & stay tuned for updates on Facebook – look forward to welcoming you at #GruendenInWien 2016!



Photo Credits: David Bohmann & Philipp Lipiarski

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