StartUs Weekly Round Up #32

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It's the end of another week packed with news and updates from the European startup scene. Get the gist here at our weekly round up #32!

Finally Friday is here again! You’re hopefully all set with a cold drink and the hot weekend before you. We’ve got another cool roundup of everything that happened in the past week at StartUs and our Magazine.

Weekly Round Up #32 at StartUs Magazine

City Guides Athens and Tirana

This week we presented two Startup City Guides for all you founders and startup enthusiasts out there. What are the benefits and downsides of founding your startup in Athens or Tirana? What are the best spots to connect with like-minded people and become part of the community? How can you get funded there? Read our city guides to find out.

You’re really psyched about startups but your city isn’t featured in our city guides yet? Get in touch with us and become one of our next contributors.

StartUs Presents

Moreover, we also featured two new interviews with promising startups, this week both from Romania. Fotocolaj, a startup run by two power ladies, turns your digital photographs into gifts and other memorabilia. StartUs Presents also featured an interview with the co-founder of Primul Medic, an app that connects Romanians with doctors to provide them with medical advice in real time.

You have an interesting startup story as well? Go ahead and request an interview!

Articles you’ll enjoy reading

In addition, we published a number of thought-provoking articles to inspire you. One of them addresses the gender gap in tech and how Manchester women are trying to bridge it. Staying in England, we also honored London’s status as Europe’s biggest startup hub by providing yet another in-depth collection of useful links and info on London’s startup ecosystem.

We also addressed the fear of becoming obsolete and being forgotten once your business fails – a fear that most of us can probably identify with on some level. You might be able to overcome that fear by using your time well. To help you in this endeavour, we’ve published a comprehensive list of online tools. They’re the only ones you’ll ever need, whether you need to get into performance tracking, push your productivity, book a cheap flight, or read something inspirational.

Lastly, we covered the question of blame when employees are fired or quit their jobs. Are they responsible or is it the corporations that let them go? Or is there another side to the story altogether?

And what about StartUs?

Job News

Great news from our main page too: We’ve got over 500 internships for you to choose from – take a look and gain some solid work experience!

News from the Hubs

Pull out your calendars and mark Thursday, August 13th, for the upcoming #StartUsConnect: Vienna 5.0 event at 7 pm at Stockwerk Coworking. We have invited speakers who will cover different aspects relevant to entrepreneurs and startup enthusiasts. You will hear about ways to fund your project, how to attract top talent, and the success story of a hardware startup. Make sure to grab a free ticket here. The presentations will be followed by Q&As, and then the night is yours to network all you can!

Next up is an event in Bratislava: #StartUsConnect: Bratislava 2.0 will take place on September 4th at RubixLab. The event will be held in cooperation with Central European Startup Awards. Stay tuned for updates!

In other exciting news, we’d like to welcome Demetrios Pogkas to our foxy team! He’s our hub reporter from Athens, and his first article, the Athens Startup City Guide, broke a record on shares in social media. Great work, Demetrios!

weekly round up

You also want to share interesting stories about your hub with the European startup community? Then get in touch right away.

Headline of the week

Finally, our personal headline of the week. This is a phrase you can add to your StartUs profile, which gives people an impression of what you’re all about. The quote we feature here is chosen by our staff from the many profiles online at StartUs.

“Do what others are afraid to do and you will reach more than others do!” by Daler Abdulloev

Stay tuned for new updates next Friday!


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