StartUs Presents: SpringTab

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This edition of StartUs Presents brings you SpringTab, a platform for auto-personalized content publishing. Get the insights from founder Péter Szántó!

Describe SpringTab in 50 words or less.

SpringTab provides better intelligence and personalization to increase conversion. Our mission is to create as many versions of a website as the number of visitors it gets.

Why did you decide to pursue your own dreams rather than someone else’s?

First of all, I believe everybody can follow their dreams, even if working for someone else. Being an outgoing guy, I was always curious about how people socialize. With the rise of social media, my professional attention shifted to the relationship between brands and customers. It is no longer about influencing or – taking it one step further – manipulating the customer. It is about creating the best possible experience for them. As one would do it with their friends and loved ones. That thought started the path to finding out how a brand can create the best experience for customers. It is clear that brands need to get a better understanding of their customers. It should go beyond demographics and focus more on psychographic data. Based on that information a brand can build a more meaningful relationship. It can be done through personalization. Adding up these elements, SpringTab was born.

In what ways do you measure your success and how do you make sure you don’t lose track?

I like one of Steve Jobs’ definitions of success: Waking up every morning with a smile on my face, knowing it’s going to be a great day.

I love seeing something I dreamed about happening and seeing happy faces getting constructive feedback. If you want to be truly effective, always “Put First Things First.” Do things you love and that matter to you the most. For all the rest, find the way to get them solved. If you focus on the things you love and keep doing them, the magic – or the law of attraction, if you will – will happen and help you out.

Describe your typical working day from coming to the office to leaving it.

My day starts the evening before. I dedicate time to one last thought to inspire me. This can be from a TED talk, a book, or just letting my thoughts go. First thing in the morning, I drink some water to give my body some fuel. For sleeping, I use the Sleep Cycle app. It helps me wake up better. Right after I wake up, I get my iPhone. This is a bad habit. It shouldn’t be among the first things. Those should be reading or watching an inspirational TED video, and starting your day slowly.

Next, I have an easy breakfast and then work out. I exercise for 30 minute in the morning. Every day. Period. It creates a routine and lets you experience how easily you can set up great habits. Next to exercising, another useful thing to do – either in the morning or the evening – is meditation. There are amazing courses or apps to guide you, but in the end it is about you and your thoughts, and letting your mind go.

After these morning rituals I usually check my mail and start chatting with people. Throughout the day I have meetings and conference calls, and I work on my notebook a lot. In the evening I like to slow things down, empty my brain. It can either be writing a journal or just typing some bullet points by using a service like; or watch some stupid shit. I love watching the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. It makes me laugh hard and also reminds me how you can build yourself up through persistence.

Already pivoted? Did customers use the product like you imagined it in the beginning?

So far, we have only pivoted with the business model. This is because we found the product-market place in a different place than where we expected it. Basically our product should fit the ones who can make money out of it, plus have user onboarding that makes it almost impossible to say no to the product.

Bootstrapped or financed: What fuels your startup now and what will in the future?

Both ways can work, depending on the team and product. We bootstrapped SpringTab, since I was lucky to be able to fund it from another venture of mine and then it started to generate a moderate revenue. After the acceleration and finding the product-market fit for now, we feel it is time to get investment to boost things to move faster.

With ferocious competition and a booming trend to build new companies: How do you make sure you don’t get lost in the shuffle?

Work smart. It is all about the execution. Whatever you want to do, if you want to be good at it, you just need to practice. Statistics prove that the ones who put 10.000 work hours into their desired profession will be successful. Having a good daily routine is important too. As I said, meditation and inspiring TED talks or other tools can help you get into a state of mind where you can create well. Overall it is really about building good habits.

What do you look for in team members?

I would like to have people in my team whom I would work for. Also, I don’t want to be the smartest guy in the room, but rather the opposite. Henry Ford once said something like “ask me anything and with one telephone call I will get you the answer”. I would like to be in a team where people know the answer for problems and can execute the solution.

Why would a talent join your team?

The desire to join our team should be based on mutual respect and interest in the mission. Potential team members should be able to get behind our goal, which is that we would like to create a win-win situation between brands and customers with the best user experience. Inspired people who believe in achieving their dreams!

What was your most memorable moment so far?

In my life or the startup? In the company probably the many many many times when clients and competitions turned us down. I remember that happening a LOT. Then, proving them wrong is all the more satisfying!
In my personal life my most memorable moment was giving my first TEDx talk. That was a moment where I really felt that one of my bucket list items was reached. I got to talk about my journey and share my failures and successes with a wide audience.

What advice would you give fellow founders for their startup?

Having an idea isn’t worth shit. It is about the timing and execution. The idea is really only the start. If you keep going, you will get somewhere. I find it very helpful to write. It is really simple to start writing. You may feel like you’re bad at it, but it doesn’t matter, just do it. The easiest way to start on the path to success is to write about your journey. Make a video about it. There will be incredible support throughout the journey.

What is your favorite quote and why?

One of my favorites is by Steve Jobs: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

I heard this expression somewhere: the downside of being up. I guess that is the beauty of life. It can give you a great feeling no matter what you have in mind – any little big detail. Basically it refers to the same feeling that drives people to happiness and success, but at the same time this passionate disposition can consume us. We see the same things and can feel the complete opposite: beautiful – ugly, happy – sad.

For the first attempt I didn’t get in to my dream major at my dream university. But I got into the university. I hated everything and everybody: the pointing system, my stupid math teacher who downgraded my exam, the law that didn’t accept my plus points for my volleyball runner-up. It felt like the world just conspired against me. It was true, just not against, but FOR me. Connecting the dots backwards, this was one of the best things that has happened to me. I didn’t have to study accounting – which I actually hate – I met the love of my twenties, got to travel abroad and have my childhood dream come true to live in the United States. All because I didn’t get in where I thought I wanted to be.

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