StartUs Presents: Rentomato

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Rentomato is a startup which provides a rental management tool. Find out more about their story, success so far and their advice for other startups.

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Dominik and I am one of the co-founders of rentomato, which is the easiest rental management tool ever built. We basically enable landlords and property owners to truly manage their portfolio through a simple-to-use dashboard.

Why is your startup special?
It solves a real problem through a scalable solution, which is extremely user-friendly. We want to become the “slack” for real estate.

What problem do you solve?
Many tenants pay rent late, especially the young ones tend to forget about it. Besides, managing multiple tenants can get very difficult and time consuming. We solve that with a simple tool that saves property owners a lot of time and stress.

How did you develop key partnerships?

Through hard work, cold calls and reaching out to many people. We have been involved in this market for quite a while, so we have established a relatively extensive network.

How did you distinguish yourself from your competitors?

We don’t really spend time on competitors. I was once told that “every second you spend on competitors, you did not spend on your own product.” So for us it’s more about understanding the problems of our customers and communicating in a way they will understand.

To what do you attribute your success?

It’s too soon to speak about success.

Why do you think this company can beat the competition?

Because we are more committed than most people. Some founders just hit a wall and then they stop. We don’t. We also don’t count the hours we work. We work on holidays, weekends – but also when we are sick or when we don’t really feel like it. Next to that we never stop learning and educating ourselves. I believe that is essential if you want to compete with the best.

What are you most excited about at the moment?

About having a nice office I can come to every morning. About being able to do what I enjoy. About seeing my team-mates excited about the project. It can really be small things. But next to that every single improvement of the product makes me very happy.

How many team members do you have and why are they important to you?

Currently, our team has 6 members. Every team member is essential for the company. We only hire people who are committed and prepared to “push” the start-up every single day. We are currently still hiring, so feel free to reach out 😉

What do you look for in a team member?

We have a golden rule and that is; we only hire people who can do something we can’t. So, everyone we hire has to have some special skill. It can be a knowledge of a programming language or being really smooth on the phone, but there has to be something that the person adds to the team.

Give us examples of how Rental Management Tool is used. What is the most bizarre use you have come across?

It is used by both; private and commercial landlords. That means it can be used for apartments and houses, but also offices.

Describe your first sale/customer OR describe the first customer you lost and why?

First we reached out to people in our network and tried to gain some feedback from them. Some of them saw a nice tool in it already and have decided to test it out with us. Their feedback in the initial stage was really essential. You might think you understand the problem or the market, but before you actually meet the future clients, you cannot say you understand anything.

Your advice for other startups?

I am in no position to give advice to other startups. But I personally try to only focus on my goals. I don’t worry about attention or PR, it will come once you are good enough. I believe you don’t have to shout in order for others to notice you.




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