StartUs Presents: Connection Codes

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Kristaps Banga, founder of the startup Connection Codes believes in innovation, good people and their world-changing product. Here's why:

Describe Connection Codes in 50 words or less.

Connection Codes is an interactive, generative innovation laboratory. We specialize in multimedia environment creation, custom video-mapped installations, VR & AR, interactive solutions. Our special product is an interactive solution called MOSES for fountains to make them interact with visitors. Here’s a how it works:

Why did you decide to pursue your own dreams rather than someone else’s?

I want to change the world in a creative way and be part of future creators. While working in international companies I have experienced how local ideas can change the world on a global scale and now I feel I have enough competence, team and experience which I can transform into the development of my ideas and beliefs.

There is so much more we all can create in world to make it better, more fun and also – lets face it 🙂 our world is not only earth anylonger. I know that it is worth to try rather to regret that you have not done that!

7 years from now: How did your startup change the world?

Connection Codes will be globally known as an innovation company helping bigger companies and also municipalities to develop and implement innovations. We will be part of creative industry innovation partners developing inspiring contemporary projects. Also educational and medical segment will be are of interactive and innovative solutions to help people in their needs.

First MOSES application project will be opened on May 1st 2016 in Riga. “The New Riga Fountain” project received its financial support under the auspices of the “New Riga” program. The objective of the “New Riga” program is to facilitate the regeneration of the City of Riga, the development of new construction projects of public significance and the installation of their adjacent grounds, giving the public the chance to live in a safe and orderly environment.

In what ways do you measure your success and how do you make sure you don’t lose track?

There are more than one way to measure that. One is simply business – are we profitable, does our company value keep growing? The second part is feedback form our customers – do they enjoy what we have developed, does it help them? The third point if whether we make any positive progress in the world with what we do. And last but no least the question: do we still LOVE WHAT WE DO 🙂

Describe your typical working day from coming to the office to leaving it.

We have some morning talk with the team on our project’s progress, but also on private life – actual things. Then everybody does what they planned for that day – I have online & physical meetings with clients, partners, hunting investors, competitions. My team mates are programming, some are doing technical projects, some are doing project management – preparing offers for clients, preparing presentations. Then we have lunch together, discuss  new ideas. Then again back to our operational jobs.

Bootstrapped or financed: What fuels your startup now and what will in the future?

We finance our startup with our running projects on multimedia (mapping, video editing, light installations, interactive) as well as used first investment money. We are looking for more funding to grow our capacity to serve bigger international projects where we can share our competences and ideas. We estimate to scaling MOSES application internationally in two years and upgrading about 20 fountains.

With ferocious competition and a booming trend to build new companies: How do you make sure you don’t get lost in the shuffle?

Our growth strategy and strength is that we do have trinity as I have 3 companies (an advertising agency, a production company and Connection Codes with our product MOSES) that allows our team to be flexible with big projects and more adaptable to market trends and client needs. Of course there are innovations like MOSES which we want to highlight and make world famous but at the same time we have enough side projects to stay alive.

What do you look for in team members?

For me the most important part is character – do you love what you do/achieve?  Are you passionate about that? Also trust and loyalty is very important for a team because if we choose someone we invest in him or her. Of course skills in our field are needed as well but those we evaluate as second part – we just think if people love what they do, they will learn a lot and grow with us.

Why would a talent join your team?

We are young company, so being together with us will give you the opportunity to make history together.
We have a portfolio that shows that we are able to make ideas happen and also our business trinity allows to offer/change job for great team member. Our team and office is best place where young talents can also realize their own, world-changing ideas.

What was your most memorable moment so far?

At this moment the biggest moment was when we won the 1st prize at the local Creative Bussines Cup and with it the possibility to pitch in Denmark.

From a product development prespective the moment was when we tested MOSES live and saw that everything worked as planned – that was very very top moment. We really felt that we have developed something world-changing. To summarize – the emotions on both moments where joy and pride about moving forward and things happening the way we want them to.

What advice would you give fellow founders for their startup?

Never stop doing what you love!

I 110% believe that people can do much more than they think they can. Also it’s very important to remember that ideas alone do not mean anything until they are executed – so be very focused on the execution and development rather than just believing that your idea is worth a high-five and will dominate the world. Also the team is very important – don’t try to be the “king” – share the equity with strategic team members and you will get a top motivated company.


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