Sclable: “Innovation Is What Makes Us Stand Out.”

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Roland Rust, CVO & Co-Founder at Sclable on innovation, imagination and challenges building an organization brings. Read more!

Describe Sclable in 50 or less words.

Sclable offers a unique technology along with a method to get a new data-driven business model up an running in a few months. Suitable for any business we are specializing in eveluating new business models for corporate enterprises where time-to-market is key.

What is your role at Sclable and how did you get involved?

I am CVO and one of four Co-Founders. As Chief Visionary Officer I am responsible for our research projects. I am giving talks at conferences about model driven engineering for business applications and our tech-stack and methodology in special. When it comes to start a new project I am often part of the team as business analyst and model architect.

Which technologies, industries or regions do you focus on?

Sclable is a platform that brings a great variety of technologies together. Our Rapid Prototyping Stack includes PostGreSQL where the Sclable Core currently runs on, a PHP prototyping productivity Layer, and a native mobile prototyping stack. But as a developer you’re pretty free to choose any tech-stack, as long as it allows you to make use of the domain model the Sclable core delivers.

Our industry focus currently is banking, oil & gas, industrial manufacturing, publishing and food. We are focusing on the DACH region though having customers from other regions, such as the US already.

Tell us a bit about more – what can startups expect?

As a startup you can expect a combined experience of 80+ enterprise projects we have accomplished over the last years. Since as a startup you won’t have an armada of legacy systems to connect with you should be even faster as any corporate in a prototyping phase when you decide to do build your enterprise architecture with Sclable. Plus: You get an open and transparent tech-stack to extend with any upcoming tech. Sclable takes care of the complexity behind. You build your product with your team upon it.

Why should a startup work with Sclable?

The reason is the same why corporates choose Sclable: Speed. Enterprise architectures and business domain models tend to get quite large and complex. They tend to be very volatile, especially in areas where data integrity is crucial, for example task delegation. There are a lot of things, startups aren’t aware of when their organization is small. But when growing fast it is important to rely on a solid and at the same time flexible base.

What were the biggest challenges you faced building Sclable?

When it comes to find the right talent we see one of our biggest challenges. We demand a highly team-oriented and at the same time independent working style, besides a combination of technical skills which are rare to find. The second biggest challenge is to work with corporate enterprises: it is simply a clash of cultures.

What would you want Sclable to be used for?

I’d like to see Sclable to be used as a gaming engine for a massive multiplayer strategy game! Truth is I have a concept on my desk. We already had funding for this. I just need the right people to take over and make the thing fly ; )

With insane growth of organizations joining the ecosystem in Europe – how do you make sure you stand out?

Innovation is what makes us stand out. We are into model driven engineering, which is a highly specialized field within engineering. And we are focusing on business application development. Hardly any younger organizations do so. It is a field that is commonly left to those who are corporate enterprises themselves. Of course our customer success stories are the best means to stand out.

Which startups success stories did you work with already?

Our success stories we are eligible to talk about are all from corporate enterprises. The startups we are working with are usually those who feel the pain of their rapid growth. They already have come into spheres where compliance issues begin to bite, for example prior to an IPO. Sometimes their growth has slowed down due to the complexity of their backoffice and administration processes. Their challenges aren’t much different than those of corporate enterprises.

In what ways do you measure your success and how do you make sure you don’t lose track?

Actually we have eight fields with which we measure our success in various ways. So that is what we want to be successful in and what we want to improve every day: 1) We aim to be model-driven and generic, 2) We work user centric, 3) We want our products to be usable, 4) Our platform is interconnectable, 5) Our tech-stack is secure, 6) Sclable is extensible, 7) Our code is transparent, 8) Domainmodels we deliver are analyzable. Daily, weekly and monthly stand-ups and team-reviews keep us on track.

If there is one thing you can wish for improving the European startup ecosystem, what would it be?

Cross-national acceleration providing access to corporate innovation responsibles for an easier foreign market entry.

What was your most memorable moment so far?

We received a call from a top manager of a corporate enterprise shortly before Christmas last year. We kicked off the project on the 11th of January this year. The project includes aspects from emerging technologies such as BigData, Mobile and mobile offline capabilities, Cloud, IoT. And we are launching in early May. It’s going to be an amazing, game-changing concept for that industry.

What advice would you give entrepreneurs for their startup?

Think of what you imagined the world to be like when you were a child. It’s our turn now. Let’s make this world what we wanted it to be back then. Wonder why cars still have to drive on streets? Make them fly! Spirit is more important than money. If you are just looking for money, if you have no dreams or if you didn’t imagine anything when you were a child, entrepreneurship isn’t for you.



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