Meet Rotterdam’s Best Startup Community

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Rotterdam is a great place for Entrepreneurs because of its vibrant startup community. Keep reading to learn about the city's hottest meeting place!

Many entrepreneurs decided to join a startup community or a coworking space lately – for a reason. You get to work closely together with other entrepreneurs in a stimulating environment, you immediately expand your network with useful contacts and most of the time you get some serious work done. In this article I will introduce you not only to Rotterdam´s coolest, but also to Rotterdam´s most innovative startup community and coworking space – the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship.

How The ECE Community Was Initiated

The Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE) was built in October 2013 as an initiative of the Rotterdam School of Management and the Erasmus School of Entrepreneurship.  Four ambitious Dutch graduates wanted to create a physical place and an infrastructure to bring together entrepreneurs from inside and outside the Netherlands. The mission of ECE is to make organizations better in entrepreneurship by supporting them in turning ideas into innovations. During the past one and a half years, the ECE team developed an incredible set of activities and opportunities to attract a diverse community of entrepreneurs. Gianluca Bellan, Growth Manager at ECE explains: There are four core pillars we build our value and our community on: First of all, ECE does, in cooperation with Erasmus University Professors, ground-breaking entrepreneurship research, which was recently ranked number 1 worldwide. Secondly, they see it as their duty to educate young ambitious people to become great entrepreneurs themselves through interesting and encouraging programmes like “Get Started” or “New Business Cycle”. Yearly, more than 4000 people join these programmes. Furthermore, they facilitate a wide range of office spaces to enable entrepreneurs to exploit concurrence by working closely together with other entrepreneurs. And lastly, ECE hosts a variety of different events at their campus where they offer practical workshop, pitching events or networking gatherings with investors and mentors.

Whom You Will Meet At The Campus

Today, the ECE campus can call itself home to more than 50 innovative startups. Being located in the Rotterdam Science Tower in Rotterdam´s vibrant harbour area, the ECE campus serves as perfect meeting point for people coming from the city centre and the cities of Delft and The Hague. What makes the ECE campus special, is that it is not just a coworking space or a group of entrepreneurs, but rather a place for entrepreneurs to meet, to shape ideas, to develop innovative businesses and to avail oneself of a variety of knowledge coming from experienced coaches and professors. – ECE is not a community of solely specialists in one area, but a diverse group of people from different backgrounds, with different skills and creative minds.

What’s In For You?

By becoming a member of this unique community you are able to join their different programmes and events like Day@theCampus or Friday Drinks@theCampus. Furthermore you get access to meetings, which enable you to grow into the community. As a business member, you also get a desk or an office in their flexible coworking areas. Additionally, the ECE campus has great facilities like lecture rooms, cool meeting rooms and a stunning bar with probably one of the best views on Europe´s largest port.

Build The Future

Recently, out of the demand for new space, the ECE campus opened its second startup floor, so now more than 7000m2 have been made available for new startups and entrepreneurs. And the good news is, they are expected to grow even more in the future. Come to Rotterdam, come to the ECE campus and join one of the greatest startup communities!

Some impressions:




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