How To Write The Perfect Business Proposal Every Time

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Closing that final deal might take up more of your time than you want it to. To ease the pain of writing a convincing business proposal, we'll walk you through the most important things to include!

Business proposals can give you that “win it or lose it” kind of opportunity, so it makes total sense to spend time perfecting it for maximum success. Proposals should be short, sweet and to the point. It must contain all your business values and what you can offer to your potential clients.

That being said, is there a way to craft the perfect business proposal each and every time? More importantly, is there a template you can rely on to get the job done without spending time and enormous effort? A great way how you can consistently write up great proposals is by having a few set elements in mind. Incorporate these concepts to produce a formula that will consistently get you results, no matter the project.

Take out the most tedious part by starting with a business proposal template, such as the one Qwilr has. Then, it’s off to fill in the blanks.

Business Proposal Outline

The heart of a business proposal (and what potential clients will really look at) is the solution that you will provide their company to make things easier and generate more profit.

Now, how do you make your proposal special and different from the others? The key is to make your solution look like the best one there is. Selling your products and services should be the main focus of proposals, so don’t be afraid to be bold and persuasive. Imagine yourself pitching the concept and think about what you need to grab their attention.

The outline should be accurate, well-formatted and competitive. Moreover, it should contain the following sections:

Proposal Title

“Proposal to Business” can be so much more. This is your chance to come up with an eye-catching, engaging, attractive and witty one-line title that will make the client want to read the rest of your proposal.

Problem Statement

This part should show the client that you understand their problem. Be concise and use plain, simple words to convey the content. This is the part where you make them feel as if you’re a part of the business and understand what they need in a fundamental way.

Recommended Solution

What can you offer the client? The pitch should contain a strategy or a solution that addresses their needs. If you must, include details on every facet, stage or step so that there won’t be any doubts or unnecessary concerns.


After the Recommended Solution, Deliverables should give the proposal specific details in regards to your offered solution. Keep in mind that this is also the part where you put out what will be done and when it will be done. More importantly, the offer should be ultra-specific and there shouldn’t be any over or under-pitching.

Estimated Project Schedule

Project schedule lays out the timeline for when your Deliverables should be completed. Depending on the client, the product and the offer, you’ll have a bit of flexibility in regards to timeline and acceptance date.

The only thing to remember is to have a realistic and clearly-defined timeline so your client won’t get confused.

Proposal Budget & Fees

An oft-forgotten but nevertheless crucial part of any business proposal. Some businesses will go straight to the budget section and read the rest if it has the right numbers.

The key to make them read further? Your proposed budget should be very competitive, accurate and easy to grasp. Pricing information is usually the deciding factor on whether your proposal will be included in the “consideration” pile. For short-term solutions, you won’t need to come up with a whole budget as a fee summary should suffice. For long-term contracts, make sure to put in specific milestones for the payments and fee schedule.

About Us

One question that will be on a client’s mind will be – who are these guys? What is their background and how can they help? An About Us will come in very handy, so don’t forget it. There are no strict requirements on this section, but you’ll want to be creative and write information about yourself, your company, sample work, case studies or portfolios showing off your trade.

Visual Appeal & Design

A business proposal’s success will depend on how it’s presented and just a few specific elements could be the difference between closing them or not.

Graphics can make reading proposals a more enjoyable affair. But don’t overwhelm the content that it detracts from the main focus. Break up text to make it easier to scan. Include data visualizations, charts and data tables. A relevant picture or video can create a positive first impression. Make sure it holds well together and points to what you want your client to know.

Terms & Conditions

Last but not least, the fine print. Add your standard T&C according to client and industry or niche.

Business proposals should be carefully thought out and crafted in detail, but you wouldn’t want to spend more time than what’s necessary. A business proposal template can streamline the process and make it easier for you to get off to a good start.



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